TJ Elevator Fan

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Charlotte, NC 28262

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Grove Park Inn Elevators Mini Clip with Epic Fail on The Editing Video Clip.

This is a short video clip of 2 of the elevators that they have at Grove Park Inn. We stayed here New Year's Day in 2009. This was my 2008 Christmas present from my parents. FIrst elevator is the historic elevator that is actually part of the old chimmey shaft. The other one is the one off one of the parking decks at GPI. The epic fail occurs at the point in the video where we are on our way to our room. Keep watching even when it appears video clip has been stoped. I debated wether to redo editing or keep it and call it epic fail on the editing video clip. It's late so I chose the latter. Hope you enjoy the clip anyways even though it's not neatly edited right. I will be uploading more of the videos I have of GPI elevators, most likely over the next several days or so.